launch: 28/12/2015 - 10.00 pm UTC
total coins: 45.359.237 (fourtyfive million threehundredfiftynine thousand twohundredthirtyseven) BTP
blocktime: 360 sec | 6 min
reward: 100 BTP
halving interval: 30.000 blocks
blocks tbm pow: 90.000 block
developer-stack (3%) & airdrop (5.5%): 8.5%
starting diff: 0
algo: sha256
pos: 6% p.a.
pos trigger: 60.000 blocks
rpcport: 28001
listenport: 28002
public airdrop: We will give away 5.5% of the total ever to be mined amount of coins to the users and supporters of BTP. For participating in the automated public airdrop keep visiting this thread until we post the URL. 1000 slots available at ~2.500 BTP each.
This cryptocurrency project is intended for educational and experimental purposes only. No guarantee is made that the information presented is accurate or up to date. This thread may contain links to other websites (mining-pools, services, etc.). These links may have been provided by other users. Use of these linked websites is at the user's own risk. We will not be held accountable for any information, offerings or other such information found on sites linked to from this thread as its out of our responsibility. The same rule applies for any technical or financial investments made into the project "BTP".
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